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Safety Designate Information Panel
Safety Designate Information Panel is a panel led by RSSI provided for new safety designates including graduate students and post-doctoral associates. Safety designates are lab safety officers whose main duties include ensuring safety compliance and serving as subject matter safety experts for laboratory personnel. Additionally, safety designates attend quarterly safety meetings organized by the Office for Research Safety (ORS) and serve as liaisons between their own laboratories and ORS. Currently, there is a lack of formal training that facilitates the transition when new safety designates are appointed despite resources provided by ORS. Without a systematic introduction of the safety designate role, the duties can be challenging. To bring everyone on the same page, RSSI seeks to organize a panel discussion comprised of experienced safety designates with different background which will orient safety designates to their responsibilities, inform them of the available resources, and address any questions or concerns.
The first Safety Designate Information Panels took place in October 2018 and 2019.

improving the safety culture among STEM communities one day at a time
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